
TemLog 20H PDF Temperature and Humidity Data Logger

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Product Details


If you are looking to gain better understanding of your hatch results this is the tool that you need. You activate it by plugging it into your computer. Then you place it in the incubator and it will record the temperature and humidity at the intervals that you set. When you would like to see what the recordings have been you simply plug it into your computer and it will graph out your temperature and humidity. This will allow you to see why those birds didn't hatch or if your incubator is holding it's temperature and humidity the way you think it should.

Displays and records C/F temperature and % PH at 0.1° and 0.1% PH resolution.

32,000 data points (16,000 Temperature, 16,000 Relative Humidity) Analysis software with new point calculation, charting of results, and export to other file formats USB interface The THL2 is compatible with computers using Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

Instant or manual start
Alarm LEDs with user selectable values
Magnetic mount
Long battery life
One year limited warranty
