Incubator Accessories
When you launch your poultry operation or small farm some of the terms and equipment names might mystify you. You probably didn’t expect to need an internal chamber replacement kit, candler, or animal hatching light module when you purchased a few bantams so you could have fresh eggs.
Buying an Incubator to Increase Production
Your interest in fowl probably grew quickly though when the first neighbor asked to buy eggs and since then, you may have invested in more chickens. Buying an incubator helps you by letting you gather eggs each day and letting the machine warm them while your hens continue laying.
Incubator Racks
Your incubator needs accessories though like racks for the type of eggs your poultry produce. For example, we offer chicken racks, geese racks, and more. Our selection even includes racks with an automatic turning mechanism.
Incubator Cleaning Kits
Each time your poultry eggs incubate, you’ll need to clean the incubator and racks before using it again. For this, we offer cleaning kits. The Stromberg’s selection also offers disinfectants, cleansers, and cleaning tools sold separately.
Helpful Accessories for Incubation
Use a device called a candler to examine the inside of an egg without breaking it open. The candler shines a powerful light into the egg that lets you observe the developing embryo through the eggshell. We offer a range of thermometers for measuring the temperature inside the incubator. You can also use these devices with a brooder once the chicks hatch. Our selection also includes must-haves like a filter kit, hygrometer wick, and kitchen scale.
Stromberg’s Incubator Accessories
Count on Stromberg’s for the agricultural supplies your poultry operation needs. Order your incubator supplies and accessories today.