Nest Boxes

We have the best nesting boxes for your chickens, offering a perfect fit for their needs. Our extensive line accommodates both small coops and larger commercial operations.


Nesting Solutions for Chickens

Laying hens provide a much-needed and nutritious food source, so it’s crucial to provide them with a comfortable and secure space for nesting. Egg-gathering practices have evolved, and modern chicken keepers must do the same. Our nesting boxes make it easy to support your flock's needs.

What to Look for in a Nest Box

Nesting boxes with thoughtful designs ensure comfort and ease of use for both you and your other hens. Look for the following features:

  • Drain holes in the bottom to keep eggs free of impurities.
  • Openings that allow for easy gathering and monitoring of eggs.
  • Designs that convert from rollout to regular nest boxes.
  • Interior grooves on the inside wall to help chicks move easily.

Tips for Creating the Ideal Chicken Nesting Box

A well-designed nesting box encourages hens laying, keeps them comfortable, and ensures healthy egg production. Consider the following when setting up your boxes:

  • Size: Each box should offer 12 inches square of room for your birds.
  • Material: Wood, plastic, or metal options make cleaning and disinfecting easier.
  • Bedding: Use soft straw, hay, or wood shavings to make the nests inviting.
  • Accessibility: Place boxes 18 to 24 inches above the ground to discourage predators.

The Best Nesting Box Designs

Our nesting boxes in a coop go beyond traditional milk crates. Our wide selection includes options for any situation. Find the perfect design for your flock's needs:

  • Single-compartment nesting box: Provides a cozy, secure space for broody hens.
  • Multi-compartment design: Includes dividers for larger coops or commercial setups.
  • Roll-out nesting boxes: Prevent broken or dirty eggs with sloped floors that guide the eggs safely into a collection tray.
  • Attached single box: A durable plastic alternative to metal, eliminating cold surfaces and making cleaning easy while your hens are laying eggs.

How Many Nests Are Needed for 10 Chickens?

The number of nests in your chicken coop depends on how many hens you have. Generally, provide one box for every four to five hens in a chicken coop. Two or three nesting boxes are ideal for a flock of ten birds. Adding extra boxes can prevent overcrowding and ensure all your hens have plenty of room when laying eggs.

Where Is the Best Place for a Chicken Nesting Box?

Proper placement of your nesting boxes is essential for creating the best chicken coop. Place them away from the main roosting area to provide privacy when your hens are laying eggs. Position boxes against a wall or in a corner for added security. A roof or cover can reduce light and create a space your hens will prefer.

How High Should a Chicken Nesting Box Be?

The height of a chicken coop or nesting box depends on the size and breed of your chickens. However, a nest box should be about 18 to 24 inches (45 to 60 cm) above the ground.

This height suits most standard breeds, but you may need to adjust the height for larger or smaller birds. Add a ramp or step if your chickens have difficulty accessing the nesting box. When choosing a design, consider the size and needs of your flock, as well as your preferences and resources.

Do Chickens Prefer Raised Nests?

Every chicken is different and may have different nesting preferences in their chicken coop. Some feel more comfortable laying eggs on the ground, while others prefer a communal nest box or a nest pad.

Raised chicken nesting boxes can keep the eggs cleaner and reduce the risk of predators or rodents accessing the eggs. Raised boxes are also easier to access when you collect eggs.

What to Use as Fill in Your Nesting Boxes?

The most common materials used to fill chicken nesting boxes are straw, hay, wood shavings, and pine shavings. These materials are absorbent, help keep the eggs free of dirt, and provide a comfortable surface for the eggs to be laid on.

The type of material you use in your nests will depend on your preference and what’s available and affordable in your area. Keep the box clean whatever you choose as a nest when you gather eggs. Replace the bedding regularly to keep your chicken healthy and comfortable, and ensure they can provide insulation.