Pigeon Supplies

Explore our extensive range of supplies for your pigeon flock! Whether you raise pigeons as pets, to sell, or to eat, proper pigeon care provides healthier birds for every season.


Essential Supplies for Pigeons

Pigeons need clean food and water, a lofted home or cage, and parasite control to have a healthy living environment. Each pair needs eight to 10 cubic feet of space, so the bigger your flock, the more space you’ll need for your birds. Use high-quality bird supplies for optimal tending, especially during the breeding season.

Here’s a quick overview of some of the pigeon supplies we offer:

Other Pigeon Supplies to Consider

Although pigeons have a reputation for eating little, they actually eat between 0.15 and 0.25 cups of food per day. That means you’ll need to stock up on pigeon feed. It’s also recommended to utilize preventative medication, such as Tylosin for respiratory disease treatment and prevention, or a soluble wormer such as Wormer Deluxe for preventing various worms.

Our wide selection of pigeon supplies also includes waterers of various sizes, from quart to five gallons, and different feeders for pairs of birds or larger flocks. You may also consider adding liquid supplements to their water to boost their immune system.

With our wide product selection, you will surely find the right bird supplies for your flock’s specific needs.

Racing Pigeons and More Live Birds

Don’t forget to check out our wide range of live pigeons for sale! Find unique breeds such as exotics, racing pigeons, rollers, and more in our selection. For many items, including feeders and waterers, we offer multiple size options depending on the size of your flock.