Ultimate Red Diamond Doves

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$80.00 - $150.00

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Product Details


Red with white background. The, Male has an off white color in his head, neck, breast, shoulders & wings. His tail and back are white. His underside is white. The eyes are ruby red with a large bright red eye ring. The beak is gray-brown. The, Female is an intensely colored & striking bird. Her shoulders, back and wings are a light, bright,intense rust red color. Her head is light rust red. Her neck and breast are light gray. Her tail, and underside are white. The eyes are ruby red with a small, bright red eye ring. The beak is gray-black. Diamonds are the smallest of all doves, tail accounts for approx. one half total body length.
Length: 8" 1 1/2 ounces Lifespan 8-12 years
Not mated or banded.

  • Availability: Pair, Male, or Female

These doves are 3-18 month old birds.

  • Availability of this item does not mean it ships immediately.
  • This means that we are still taking orders for the season and that your order will be placed in line for the next available shipment.
  • You will receive an email with your shipment date.

Note: Sexing is guaranteed up to 6 weeks from delivery.

Live birds/ eggs will not ship immediately after your order has been placed. We will contact you via email once your ship date has been scheduled. Shipping is calculated at check out.
