
Easter Egger Eggs

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Product Details


Want to hatch your own Easter Eggers? Dive into the exciting journey of bringing easter egger chickens to life from the very beginning. We at Stromberg's Chickens are here to provide the foundation for your future flock.

Discover Easter Egger Chickens

Easter Egger chickens are renowned for their beautiful blue eggs and unique personalities. As backyard chicken keepers, we understand the joy of watching these vibrant birds flourish in your care.

Every easter egger egg we provide is carefully selected to ensure the best potential for successful hatching. Within 21 days in your incubator, these eggs can reward you with lively easter egger chicks.

Although we ensure our part in offering high-quality eggs, hatching is a delicate process. Factors beyond our control after shipping can influence the success rate, but the potential delight of raising your own easter egger hen or easter egger rooster is undoubtedly worth the effort.

Benefits of Easter Eggers in Your Flock

Not only do easter egger hens lay eggs that are a stunning shade of blue, but incorporating easter eggers into your flock ensures a variety of colors and patterns. With each easter egger chicken being uniquely feathered, your backyard will be brimming with delightful diversity.

We can offer no guarantee on hatching eggs. There are various factors involved in hatching eggs and while they frequently do well, we have no control over the handling of the eggs once they ship.
