Extra Large Egg Laying Chickens

XL Eggs

Explore the productivity and beauty of extra-large egg-laying chickens at Stromberg’s. These are chicken breeds that lay jumbo-sized eggs for small farm operations, hobbyists, and families. With their unmatched egg production, you will surely get a consistent supply of extra-large eggs that other chicken breeds can’t match.

Chicken Breeds That Lay Extra Large Eggs

Extra-large egg layers are developed specifically for egg production. They lay eggs that are larger than average, often weighing 2.5 ounces or more. Bielefelders are the perfect example. These purebred brown egg layers produce up to 230 eggs annually. They are also dual-purpose birds. This means they don’t just typically lay large eggs. They also have large body sizes that provide a substantial amount of meat.

Our selection features many other dual-purpose birds, such as Black and White Jersey Giants, which are known to produce up to 280 large brown eggs per year.

Efficient and Economical Egg Production

Investing in extra-large egg-laying chickens is a smart choice because of their excellent feed-to-egg ratio. You get more bang for your buck in egg production. Look at Red Sex Links, for instance. They are a popular chicken breed because of their prolific laying ability and feed efficiency. Their hardiness in all-weather environments makes them a manageable hybrid breed.

With extra-large egg-laying chickens, you will also need fewer chickens to meet your egg needs, saving you space and resources in the long run.

Unique Breeds for Every Poultry Enthusiast & Farmer

Our selections not only produce large chicken eggs, but they are also fascinating breeds with unique backgrounds and personalities that every poultry enthusiast will enjoy.

For example, the Cinnamon Queen has an interesting lineage, going back to a unique blend of the Rhode Island Red male and the Rhode Island White female. The Production Red is just as interesting as the Cinnamon Queen, combining Rhode Island Red and New Hampshire strains.

Whether you are looking for extra large brown eggs, white eggs, or distinct breeds, our extra-large egg-laying chickens have something for you. Boost your egg production or enjoy them as your own flock of backyard chickens.